Hi there!
I am Przemek Kochowicz (aka. Przym) from Czacha Games, Poland. Gaming with people has been my hobby for almost 25 years. I started by playing old, pen’n’paper, RPG games and later I evolved and started playing board games and card games. In 2014/2015 I co-created a company named Ogry Games along with Polish editions of board games Metro 2033 and Bright Future. Working with games (and of course playing them!) gives me a lot of satisfaction. That is why I decided to go my own way (remember the awesome song “My Way” by Frank Sinatra? I love it!). Now I am looking for games worth printing in Polish and vice versa – I want to deliver to you, in your language, games that so far have been only in Polish. That is the genesis of Czacha Games, in short.

If you have any questions regarding this project or game do not hesitate to contact us directly via email: biuro@czachagames.pl, our webpage http://czachagames.pl or via message on kickstarter. Also you may find us on Facebook www.facbook.com/czachagame – stay connected with us and share!